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21st Century Solutions for Organizations Seeking to Improve Economic Opportunity and Access

DeJesus Solutions ignites a passion for excellence and continuous improvement in organizations through unmatched research, training, and technical assistance.

Community Focused Youth Engagement


A Credible Approach to Engaging Hard to Serve Youth and Young Adults

The most successful youth-serving organizations know that no amount of resources can match the power of an authentic, community-focused, youth engagement strategy – and they know that a community-asset approach serves youth best.


By incorporating a culturally competent, trauma-informed, and asset-based approach, your organization can truly engage youth – and the communities they call home. Discover the power of establishing and utilizing community-based "Credible Messengers" to reach and engage the hardest to reach youth and young adults. Let DeJesus Solutions show you how.

Social Capital Literacy and Framework


Social Capital Assets - The Key to 21st Century Workforce Success

Social capital builds opportunities for economic success by exposing youth to specific career pathways, service opportunities, and skill requirements that they may have never before realized were available. Social capital sparks youth investments in education, skills training, and the pursuit of positive lifestyles through legitimization.

Through consulting programs and learning experiences, DeJesus Solutions helps organizations understand, build, and implement a social capital framework that improves both youth and program success.

I'm not sure what this word means here! Are we legitimizing opportunities for them? Legitimizing their place in the world? Or is this a technical/field-specific way to phrase things that would make sense to a relevant organization?


New Strategies for Recruitment, Intake, Assessment, Service and Outcomes.

As it stands, the recruitment and engagement difficulties that many organizations face stem from the reliance on a recruitment and engagement system that was created in the early 1970s and is inconsistent with the changing nature of the youth population. It goes without saying that what worked in 1970 will not necessarily work in 2020. The dynamics of youth thinking and culture are undeniably different, and require that methodology bends and changes to meet this diverse demographic. To answer this call, DeJesus Solutions introduced the Effective Youth Engagement Program (EYEP) Model to the youth service market in Spring of 2016 based on extensive research on effective practices in youth development and workforce engagement.

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The Official Thought Catalog from DeJesus Solutions

Ed is brilliant at combining evidence-based practices with a deep way of connecting to young people. Listen to him. Read his books. Hire him to help you change the lives of young people in your community. He’s the real deal.


Virginia Hamilton, Former Regional Administrator, U.S. Department of Labor

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