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The Missing Key to Workforce and Career Success.


Social capital is one of the greatest predictors of labor market participation and success. A growing body of research points to the pivotal role that social capital plays in connecting individuals to the job market and beyond. 


By building a social capital framework, organizations can harness the power of this asset to create the conditions necessary for clients to actively and willfully develop the skills, credentials, and work experiences necessary for long term achievement in the world of work and beyond. 


Individuals with high degrees of social capital are usually the first to get hired, enjoy higher pay and greater job satisfaction, and have greater employment longevity. High levels of social capital help employees gain access to a wide variety of individuals and opportunities rich in information that may help them advance on the highway of economic opportunity.


Without these connections, many job seekers can't access the hidden labor market and the opportunities it brings. Furthermore, many individuals may lack the social capital to help them counteract negative impressions employers may hold about certain populations. Without opportunities to be represented beyond crime statistics, news reports, and implicit biases, many job seekers are unable to step solidly on the changing labor market landscape. Consequently, this creates a negative feedback loop: the employer disregards minority and low-income populations as unfit for work, and mistrust of the employer prevents many capable low-connected job seekers from applying. 


The Institute


The Social Capital Building Institute (SCBI) is a 14-hour course supplemented with a 6-week practicum. It is designed to help organizations build a framework based on social capital principles and best practices aimed at improving the economic mobility and the long-term labor market success of the populations they serve.


By the conclusion of the 14-Hour Social Capital Building Institute and Six Week Practicum, participants will be able to: 


  • Define social capital.

  • Complete the social capital self-assessment and glean ideas for building a social capital framework within their organizations. 

  • Differentiate between bonding, building, and connecting social capital.

  • Apply the CARTI Social Capital Development framework to help job seekers build social capital and assist employers in spending it. 

  • Apply techniques to teach reciprocity and support its development.

  • Utilize the Social Capital Framework to cultivate employee-employer relationships.

  • Recognize forms of harmful social capital.

  • Utilize compassion building techniques to spur employer and community investment in the development of specific target populations (at-risk youth, minorities, veterans, displaced workers, the homeless, etc.).

  • Recognize misunderstandings and negative preconceptions between job seekers and employers and build bridges to enable mutually beneficial relationships. 

  • Engage stakeholders in their community to work side-by-side in increasing social capital within their sphere of influence(s). 

  • Assist students and families in engaging in a social capital audit before, during, and after the program. 

  • Conduct and analyze their organizations' own social capital program assessment.

  • Cite current research studies on the effects and effectiveness of social capital on economic outcomes.

  • Develop social capital activities to implement within their own organization(s). 


DeJesus Solutions, LLC offers innovative research, training, and program development services tailored to public policy professionals, human service agencies, businesses, advocacy groups, community-based organizations, and educational institutions. 


Since 2012, DeJesus Solutions has engaged in the development, research, and testing of various social capital solutions to increase the economic mobility of low-income populations throughout the United States.


This important work spurred the creation of the Social Capital Building Institute, launched by DeJesus Solutions in 2017. The mission of the Institute is to create a world where no youth or adult is disconnected. 


DeJesus Solutions has created a Social Capital Framework to assist organizations and systems in effectively brokering the opportunity pipeline to low-connected populations. Peripherally, the Institute aims to raise the consciousness of low-connected communities to the world of work and employers to the plight of those who are low connected. From this benchmark of mutual understanding, we can bridge the gap and meet the needs of both disenfranchised populations and businesses. 

Our Principles
  • A Social Capital Framework acknowledges the realities of the hidden labor market and uses the power of social capital building to eliminate poverty on a micro (personal) and macro (systemic/institutional) scale. 

  • A Social Capital Framework recognizes the value of workforce connections. Social Capital Building strategically and consciously uses the power of establishing and sustaining connections to promote economic achievement and mobility of underserved populations.

  • Social Capital Framework recognizes the power of social capital to buffer racism, discrimination, homophily, and loneliness.

  • A Social Capital Framework engages employment barriers systematically from the bottom up. All key stakeholders must agree and support the incorporation of a social capital framework into the current workforce development and/or educational system - from budget to evaluation.

  • A Social Capital Framework recognizes family engagement as an essential part of a gainful employment. Without active family engagement, an important key to social capital building is missing.



A social capital framework not only helps youth connect to employers, but it also helps employers connect to youth. Learn more about the power of a social capital framework and contact us if you are interested in learning more. 

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Call 202-713-8393 to get a copy of Measuring Social Capital

How it Works

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The program is divided into two components: 

PART A: The 14-Hour Course
The course can be taken in one of three ways:

  1. On-site (your location)

  2. Off-site (our location)

  3. Virtual Training: Four 3.15-hour sessions


PART B: The Six Week Practicum

The Practicum provides participants an opportunity to engage in building a social capital framework in their organization/company/community. The Practicum is designed by the student around one or more of the social capital assessment areas and the CARTI Framework (Compassion, Assistance, Reciprocity, Trust, and Information). Each participant is expected to spend a total of 12 hours on Practicum (two hours per week) with weekly progress reports to a DeJesus Solutions’ Certified Social Capital Builder. Upon completion of the Practicum, all participants will be invited to share the results of their work via a national virtual seminar. 


The Social Capital Building Institute is designed for any organization interested in improving the long-term success of low-connected youth and adults. This includes: 
•    High schools
•    Alternative Schools and ABE/GED Programs
•    Community colleges and universities
•    Trade schools
•    Workforce programs
•    Mentoring organizations
•    Non-profit youth development organizations
•    Social service sectors
•    Faith communities
•    Businesses seeking to improve worker satisfaction and advancement


Why Enroll?
Creating a Social Capital Framework can assist with:
•    Increases in student and staff recruitment 
•    Increase placement rate success
•    Improved job retention 
•    Higher wage rates
•    Better client job satisfaction
•    Improved employer engagement
•    Greater opportunities for clients upward economic mobility
•    Improved community relations and engagement


Social capital training can also support an organizations’ visibility in the community and efficacy in addressing long-standing barriers in the labor market.  Ready to take the next step?
If you have questions, please email or call 202-713-8393 


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